About us


The company Josef Dvořák-IZOPOL was founded in 1992 by Josef Dvořák, and it was based in Dolní Poustevna. Right from the start, the production programme was centered round producing the basic assortment of EPS insulation materials such as blocks, insulation panels or boards.

Our advantages

In the field of production of packaging fittings from EPS and EPP, we are one of the most important manufacturers in the Czech Republic. Our customers are renowned companies from the electrical, automotive, construction and glass industry.

Our main seat is located in Pilsen, the main office is in Podbořany.

On the market


EN ISO 9001:2015

Company management system IZOPOL DVOŘÁK, s.r.o.

EN ISO 14001:2005

Environmental management system

IATF 16949:2016

Special requirements for use ISO 9001:2015

Politika kvality

Quality policy QMS,




The company Josef Dvořák-IZOPOL was founded in 1992 by Josef Dvořák, and it was based in Dolní Poustevna. Right from the start, the production programme was centered round producing the basic assortment of EPS insulation materials such as blocks, insulation panels or boards.

Extension of production technology

During the 90’s, there has been a large increase in the production volume and at the same time, an extension of our production presented by packaging materials in form of molding parts.

Extension of production

Establishment of the company IZOPOL DVOŘÁK, s. R. O. With its registered office in Pilsen and construction of a new production plant for the production of moldings from EPS and EPP in the Borská pole - Plzeň industrial zone.

Next extension of production

The further dynamic development of the company resulted in another construction of an IZOPOL DVORAK, ltd. factory in Podbořany in 2006. The plant is equipped with modern technologies and production lines for insulation materials based on EPS for the construction industry, and a wide range of EPS/EPP molds for the needs of the packaging technology and technical EPS/EPP parts.

Merger of companies

The owner was changed and also the name of the company to Vlasta Dvořáková-IZOPOL. The actual name of the company IZOPOL DVOŘÁK, s.r.o. was established 1st January 2013 with the main seat in Pilsen.


Restructuring of the company and termination of production in the production plant in Dolní Poustevna.

Práce v IZOPOL

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